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Paper Production in Turkey
Paper Production in Turkey

Historical Development of Paper
The paper that has a big place in our lives today is M first.D. it has been found in China for 4000 years.  But M.S. after 105 years, the paper took the form we know today.  It has spread to Europe via the Middle East.  People first started writing on stones or clay tablets, but paper, which is lighter and more functional, was invented because it was not difficult or impossible to transport what was written.  paper, which was produced by hand until 1804, has been the communication and communication tool of people. 

Paper, which is a means of transferring information from generation to generation through writing, has passed through various stages until it has become its current form.  At first, paper produced from the roots of the papyrus plant, later it began to be produced from animal skins called parchment.  But since the production of parchment made from animal skin with a papyrus plant with a limited production area is problematic, cellulose produced from tree and plant leaves has emerged as a paper raw material. 

Paper, which was learned from China and came to Anatolia with the battle of Manzikert, is a material that can renew itself thanks to recycling.  Paper and paper factories, which are such a valuable material, were produced by the state in the first years in our country and were completely privatized after 2000.  Paper, which is used in many fields such as education, education, press and trade, has become even more valuable with increasing costs.  A Modern Paper phone with many options from textile to wrapping paper is far away from you. 

Paper Production in Turkey
Paper Production in Turkey has reached 3.8 million tons, but due to the consumption of about 6 million tons of paper, it has become dependent on abroad (imports) to meet the needs.  According to the latest data, there are a total of 48 paper factories in Turkey.  2400 Companies are actively serving in the production of paper in our country. In general, by producing 730 thousand tons of paper annually imported by Turkey, it will contribute to closing the current account deficit of our country of 450 million dollars.  If you also need cardboard, paper, you can contact Contemporary Paper.  As Contemporary Paper, we are proud to serve you for 50 years.

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