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What are the Characteristics of the Papers Used in the Food and Beverage Sector?
What are the Characteristics of the Papers Used in the Food and Beverage Sector?

Paper products are used in the food and beverage sectors, especially in packaged food purchases. Paper products used include cups, paper under plates, bags or boxes used for packaging. They are also produced from paper in the materials used for wrapping food. In this context, every product to be used must be in a way that does not threaten human health.

What should be considered in the papers used in the food and beverage sector?
Each paper product to be used in the preservation and service of food and beverages has the phrase fork knife or spoon cup on the bottom or back of the product. This sign means that the products used do not contain any negative content for human health.

Paper products used for the food industry may have logos or writings using colored ink. Although this situation seems to affect people's health, it may also be harmless according to the raw material content used. There are some protocols and processes applied within the scope of food health. In this context, people who are engaged in the food sector are obliged to use paper products within these documents. As a result of regular inspections, the use of products that do not comply with the rules is not allowed.

What is the Difference of Papers Used in the Food and Beverage Sector from Other Papers?
All paper products produced for the food sector are produced free of foreign and carcinogenic substances and presented to the consumer. Every process of these paper products from raw material purchases to processing and coming to the people's table is inspected.  While products that meet the necessary conditions can be used, products that do not pass the inspection are not allowed to be used. For this reason, paper producers are also divided into classes.

Not every company or factory that produces paper can produce paper products suitable for food. The factories of paper products to be produced for the food sector are different. Special equipment and raw materials that work only for this job are used. There are also food engineers in these production facilities. It is mandatory to have experts at every point related to food.

Çağdaş Kâğıt is one of the oldest companies producing paper products for the food sector and is also the company preferred by many brands. Special paper products are produced for many food areas within the company. Many different products are produced from the production of paper protectors in chocolate boxes to product packaging papers. The most important feature of the products produced is that they are prepared without using substances that threaten human health and untouched.

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